11 to 13-year-olds

Bianca HeadshotWINNER
Project Title:
Youth Name: Alexander G.

Description: Everyday parents sign their children up for sports. Sometimes, it could be hard to keep everything on track which could cause parents to be late or entirely miss games. But my app, TeamUP, fixes this very easily. It requires very little setup and it's very easy to use! You could sign up and find sport teams that are nearby. When you have joined a sports team you will automatically be given the schedule for the team along with options to sign up to bring snacks to the game, view the roster, or cheer the team on through the app. The app also features a built-in map and notifier to assist you in getting to your games on time! TeamUP will be successful because it will help millions of parents and players manage game schedules with ease and no hassle. TeamUP will also be a popular app to use because it spreads positivity by allowing players and parents to send messages of encouragement to the team before a big game.

Bianca App

Bianca Headshot2ND PLACE
Project Title:
 Food for Thought
Youth Name: Jose B.

Description: Sometimes, students wish they had different lunch options at their school. Some students have food allergies and wish they could ask for ingredients to be removed from a meal. I created the "Food for Thought" app so that students can voice their opinion about the school lunches. With the "Food for Thought" app, students can view what will be served for lunch daily to help students decide if they want to pack their own lunch or eat at school. Students can also hit a like button or dislike button on a lunch item to notify their school about their opinion on a lunch meal. The "Food for Thought" app also lets students write comments and suggestions about their school lunches. "Food for Thought" will be a great tool for students and school staff because it provides students with a platform to voice their opinion and create change.

Alexander App

8 to 10-year-olds

Bianca HeadshotWINNER
Project Title:
 Evergreen ALERT App
Youth Name: Joanna P.

Description: Every week, I get tested for COVID-19 at my school, Evergreen Ave Elementary. I created the Evergreen ALERT app to help parents from my school stay up to date with their child's health. The Evergreen ALERT app allows parents to monitor their child's weekly COVID-19 test results, report COVID-19 exposure, see when the next COVID-19 test will take place, and how many COVID-19 cases are at my school. I also created a resource page in my app so that parents can learn how to take care of their child if he/she is exposed to COVID-19 or where to find free masks, hand sanitizers or COVID-19 testing nearby. My app will be successful with parents because it provides useful resources to parents and lets them easily monitor their child's health and COVID-19 cases at school.

Bianca App

Bianca Headshot2ND PLACE (tie)
Project Title:
 Bonded Sisters
Youth Name: Hermione Z.

Description: I designed the Bonded Sisters app for girls, ages 8-12 who want to feel confident, empowered and supported by their female friends. When you log into my app, it immediately greets you with a daily inspirational quote that motivates you to stay positive. It also allows you to set daily goals that help you become a confident leader. You can also send uplifting messages to your "Sister Circle" also known as your female friends. I also wanted to design an affirmations page so that girls can learn to speak positively about themselves. The Bonded Sisters app will be successful because it creates a community of strong and positive females who are supporting each other to achieve their very best.

Alexander App

Bianca Headshot2ND PLACE (tie)
Project Title:
Youth Name: Allison H.

Description: Many students at school can feel lonely because they don’t have friends that share similar interests. With my app, INteResTS , students can connect with other students that share similar hobbies. When students first download the app, they will answer a simple and short questionnaire asking them about their hobbies and likes/dislikes. The app will then match them with other students from their school that share similar interests. The target audience is students that are 10-15 years-old. INteResTS app will be successful because it’ll help students make new friends at school and give students an opportunity to learn more about their classmates or other students.

Bianca App