Dustin Bui
What drew you to nursing and healthcare? Growing up, I was always surrounded by family members who were working in the engineering and technological fields. Nursing and healthcare were never in the picture as a kid but as I matured, I learned how important healthcare professionals are to the world. The idea of a nursing career hit home for me when I realized it was going to be a constant journey of learning. Nurses hold qualities of care, compassion, and trustworthiness that are necessary to take on such difficult responsibilities. Their efforts, especially during such difficult times with the pandemic, motivate me to work hard and achieve my goals. Read More
Kendall Bloat
What drew you to nursing and healthcare? My passion for healthcare was sparked when I worked as a lifeguard at my city’s recreational pool. I really enjoyed learning CPR and first aid, learning all different types of caring for someone in their most vulnerable times. Nurses are real life superheroes, and I really admire their work, it is very inspiring and intriguing to me. I love learning about healthcare and different ways to care for unique people. Read More
Andrea Huang
What drew you to nursing and healthcare? Throughout high school, I always had an interest in learning about the human body, while also knowing I wanted a career where I would be able to work with others. It wasn’t until I took my first human anatomy class in high school that I knew I wanted a career in healthcare. I’ve always had a natural compassion for helping others, along with the curiosity and joy of learning new things, which drew me to nursing. Read More
Isabella Knapp
What drew you to nursing and healthcare? Growing up, I became interested in nursing through my austistic sister, Veronica, and my cousin, Jess. My family and I have been taking care of Veronica our whole lives, and having the experience of providing care for her, drew me to a career in nursing. Jess is a labor and delivery nurse, and her stories about nursing school and her job made me excited to begin my own journey to my future! Read More
Mi Le
What drew you to nursing and healthcare? Ever since high school, the nursing field has intrigued me mainly due to my love for science and helping others in need. Knowing why each organ is essential to us and how our body systems cooperate to maintain function interested me, and I wanted to continue learning about it. Taking a physiology course at University of San Francisco has furthered my passion for learning about science and how it applies to human bodies. Another thing that drew me into nursing, is the direct patient care. I want to advocate for my patients needs and support them. Helping someone in their most vulnerable state is something I want to do. I will be someone they can rely on. Read More