Film Title |
Rating |
Rating Reason |
Cut Throat City |
R |
Rated R for violence, pervasive language, drug content, some sexual material and nudity. |
Hard Kill |
R |
Rated R for violence and language throughout. |
Let Him Go |
R |
Rated R for violence. |
The Real Exorcist (English Dubbed) |
PG-13 |
Rated PG-13 for thematic content throughout, and some disturbing/violent images. |
The Real Exorcist (Subtitled) |
PG-13 |
Rated PG-13 for thematic content throughout, and some disturbing/violent images. |
Tesla |
PG-13 |
Rated PG-13 for some thematic material and nude images. |
Unhinged |
R |
Rated R for strong violent content, and language throughout. |
The Vanished |
R |
Rated R for violence, language, brief sexuality and drug use. |