Film Title Rating Rating Reason
American Sicario R Rated R for violence, pervasive language, drug use and some sexual material.
Being The Ricardos R Rated R for language.
A Christmas Proposal G
Don't Look Up R Rated R for language throughout, some sexual content, graphic nudity and drug content.
The Hating Game R Rated R for some sexual content and language.
The Lady Of Heaven R Rated R for strong/bloody violence.
The Last Son R Rated R for violence throughout, some sexual content, nudity and language.
Mosley PG Rated PG for violence and peril, thematic elements and a smoking image.
National Champions R Rated R for language throughout and sexual references.
Off The Rails R Rated R for some language.
West Side Story PG-13 Rated PG-13 for some strong violence, strong language, thematic content, suggestive material and brief smoking.