Film Title Rating Rating Reason
Bergman Island R Rated R for some sexual content, nudity and language.
Breaking Them Up PG-13 Rated PG-13 for some strong language and smoking.
Halloween Kills R Rated R for strong bloody violence throughout, grisly images, language and some drug use.
Hard Luck Love Song R Rated R for language throughout, drug use, some violence and sexual references.
The Last Duel R Rated R for strong violence including sexual assault, sexual content, some graphic nudity, and language.
Monster Family 2: Nobody’s Perfect PG Rated PG for action/peril, some rude humor and thematic elements.
Needle In A Timestack R Rated R for some language.
Son Of Monarchs R Rated R for language.
The Velvet Underground R Rated R for language, sexual content, nudity and some drug material.