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Wesley Ratliff from Sony Pictures ready for the Meet & Greet.
Reynee Scofield from Paramount Pictures ready for the Meet & Greet.
Ryan Garcia from Lionsgate ready for the Meet & Greet.
Suzanne Hansen and Shannon Gorman from MGM ready for the Meet & Greet.
Samantha Stepleton from WRMPPF speaking with attendees during the Meet & Greet.
Steven Goyette from Warner Bros. during the Meet & Greet.
Lucio Quinones, GM from Starlight Dos Lagos 15, excited for his Guardians pin from Disney.
Will Preuss and Mike Polydoros from PaperAirplane Media with Keith Foenander from Deluxe.
Christine Rizzolo and Cynthia Orellana from Universal Pictures after the Meet & Greet.
Nicole Tulumello and Jacob Bernstein from Disney after the Meet & Greet.
Winner of a MGM raffle, Ruben Spendalieri, GM of Regal San Jacinto.
Winner of the Paramount raffle prize, Natalie Eig, VP of Marketing for Metropolitan Theatres.
The staff of Regal LA Live, led by GM John Luu, took great care of NATO CA/NV guests!