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How many years have you worked in the Movie Theatre Industry and how did you first become involved?
I have worked in the industry 16 years. A new Entertainment Cinemas opened in my home town, I had just turned 16, and I thought it would be a fun first job. I worked full time since the day I started and have worked for cinemas ever since then.

What’s the best part of your Job?
I enjoy seeing the people who work alongside me learn and grow with the company. It is great seeing people who I worked with grow their careers and become managers themselves.

What is your fondest movie theatre memory?
Assisting in the opening of LA Live in 2009. It was a fun and challenging experience that I will never forget.

How old were you when you went to your first movie? Do you remember the theatre and the city?
I was 12 years old. I went to see Titanic at the General Cinemas Harbour Mall in Fall River, MA.

What is your favorite movie of all time? What is it about this movie that stands out for you?
Wedding Crashers is my favorite movie. It is one of the funniest movies I have ever seen. Watching a funny movie in a crowded movie theatre is always a great experience.

Do you have any special interests? What are they?
I love the outdoors. Hiking and backpacking is one of my favorite things to do. The Los Angeles National Forest is very close to the theatre and when I have time I will take a day trip up the mountain.

What does being a member of NATO of CA/NV mean to you?
It’s great to know we have the support of NATO as a resource for our industry. NATO lobbies for movie theatres and ensures we can continue to offer great experiences to our guests.

Of all the resources that the Association offers (seminars, scholarships, email advisories, etc.) which is most useful for you?
I enjoy the seminars because it allows us the opportunity to meet other professionals in the industry.