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How many years have you worked in the Movie Theatre Industry and how did you first become involved?
It has been 30 years, now. After I graduated from the University of Illinois with a degree in Art History, I was considering going to graduate school, but while I was deciding what to do next, I thought that it might be good to get some business management experience. So, when I saw an ad for movie theatre management in the local newspaper, I applied, was hired, and embarked upon what became my career.

What’s the best part of your Job? Do you have any memorable experiences that you would like to share?
Developing relationships with the people with whom I work. I have been fortunate to have a long tenure at several theatres I have managed, and I have been at the Century 25 Union Landing now for over 11 years. During that time, I have seen employees finish high school, and then college. I have gone to their graduation parties, their weddings and their baby showers. Sadly, I have also gone to several funerals. It is a privilege to become a part of the lives of so many of those with whom I have worked.

What is your fondest movie theatre memory? How old were you when you went to your first movie? Do you remember the theatre and the city?
I don't remember how old I was when I went to my first movie, but a memory that stands out is from a time when I was about 8 years old. My mother had taken me and my sisters to the Lincoln Theatre in Decatur, Illinois, to see what was most likely a Disney film. The Lincoln was a movie palace with large murals in the lobby and a lot of ornate plaster work in the auditorium. I loved it. I remember standing in the lobby, smelling the popcorn, getting ready to enter the auditorium to see the movie, and thinking, "There is nowhere else I would rather be right now." A prophetic thought, given the career I have had.

What is your favorite movie of all time? What is it about this movie that stands out for you?
It is hard to pick a favorite of all time, but Dr. Zhivago certainly ranks high. I really appreciate David Lean's artistic vision, evident in all his movies, and Dr. Zhivago has that and everything else it needs: a powerful story, Omar Sharif, Julie Christie, Peter Ustinov, and Maurice Jarre's great soundtrack. I first saw it in a re-release when I was in high school. We ran it as part of our Classic Series several years ago and it was wonderful to see it on the big screen again.

Do you have any industry related hobbies or experiences? Please explain.
One of the first theatres I managed was the Virginia Theatre in Champaign, Illinois. It is a beautiful movie palace built in 1928 (it is still there and restoration continues as it operates as a live venue with occasional movies shown). It had only one screen and was capable of both 35mm and 70mm presentation, so I added the operation of 70mm equipment to my resume at this theatre. When The Hateful 8 was released in 70mm a couple of years ago, the theatre I now manage received a 70mm installation. So, six years after we had converted to all digital presentation, it was déjà vu to once again be managing a theatre with a Cinemeccanica 70mm projector, complete with platter system. We used it again last month to show Dunkirk in 70mm for two weeks. The studio provided a projectionist for both movies, so I didn't get to test my powers of memory to see if I could still thread up.

Do you have any special interests? What are they?
My husband shares my interest in movies and the theatres in which they are shown. We both still have family in Illinois and enjoy taking road trips back to see them, during which we get off the Interstate and explore small towns along the way, hoping to find a downtown movie theatre still in operation. It is surprising how often we find one, and we give a private salute to the brave theatre owner who is somehow able to keep the movie magic alive on Main Street.

What does being a member of NATO of CA/NV mean to you?
There is strength in numbers as we work together to keep movie theatres a special entertainment destination.

Of all the resources that the Association offers (seminars, scholarships, email advisories, etc.) which is most useful for you?
Several of our employees have won NATO scholarships, and it is very satisfying to know that through the theatre's association with NATO of California/Nevada, we have been able to help them complete their college degrees.